TENS tæki Neurotrac
- Venjulegt verð
- 14.900 kr
- Útsöluverð
- 14.900 kr
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Lýsing á Vöru
Lýsing á Vöru
Upplýsingar um tækið:
Notað í verkjameðferð (TNS)
Tvær rásir, 4 elektróður
Tíðni 2 – 200 Hz, stillanlegt
Púlsvídd 50 – 300 μs, stillanlegt
Continuous, Burst og Modulated straumur
11 mismunandi forstillt verkjaprógrömm (TNS). Hægt búa til 3 auka verkjaprógrömm (TNS).
4 blöðkur (elektróður) fylgja með
Einfalt og auðvelt í notkun
Tækniupplýsingar fyrir TNS tækið:
Dual channel: individually isolated circuits.
Amplitude: 0 – 80 mA into 500 Ohm load; indication only. Actual mA will tend to be less than indicated due to electrode impedance: at 1000 Ohms load (Electrodes in poor condition) the maximum will be limited to 70 mA, at 1500 Ohms load the maximum will be limited to 65 mA.
Type: Constant Current, maximum output voltage 180 Volts +10 / -30 Volts
Waveform: Asymmetrical, rectangular bi-phasic with zero DC current.
Selectable pulse width: 50mS -300mS [2% accuracy].
Pulse Rate selection: in the continuous mode 2 Hz – 200 Hz [2% accuracy].
Mode: Continuous, Burst or Modulated.
Burst mode: Bursts of 9 pulses [200 mS] at 150 Hz, repeating twice every second.
Modulation mode: 6-second cycle of concurrent width modulation and pulse repetition rate modulation. Width starting at 200 mS and decreasing exponentially to 100 mS in three seconds and then returning back to 200 mS in the next three seconds. Rate starting at 100 Hz, decreasing exponentially to 65 Hz and then returning to 100 Hz.
Time duration of the treatment selectable: 1 minute to 12 hours.
Low Battery Indicator: If the battery goes below 6.9 volts +/- 0.2 volts the battery symbol will flash on/off once every second.
If the battery voltage is below 6.6 (+/- 0.2) volts the unit will not turn on.
Open Electrode Detect: If an open circuit is detected at the output of channel A or B the output current will be reset at zero.
Physical dimensions: 119.2 x 69 x 28.7 mm
Weight: 0.07KG without battery, 0.1KG with battery.
Environmental Conditions for use:
+5 to +40 degrees Centigrade. 15-93% Humidity.
Environmental conditions for storage & transport:
-25 to +70 degrees Centigrade. 15-93% Humidity.